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Host an Inspiring Funeral in Perth

6 Ways to Host an Inspiring Funeral

October 19, 2018

Hosting a funeral can be an emotional experience, and many feel overwhelmed by the pressure to get things perfect. If you’ve been given the job of hosting a funeral, remember that there are ways to successfully respect the wishes of the departed while allowing the funeral to be inspiring.

Here’s 6 ways you can ensure the funeral you host is an uplifting one:

1. Photo Board

A photo board at a funeral service or wake can be a great way for those grieving to take a trip down memory lane. A photo board can be in the form of a timeline of the late loved one’s life or a collage of all their times with their family and friends.

2. Biographical Programs

Biographical programs are a good way to honour the individual who has passed and gives those attending the funeral a chance to remember their achievements and life stories. It also allows them to learn more about that person’s history if they died later in life.

3. Slideshows

Slideshows during a wake can be a lovely way for people to remember and chat about positive memories they have of the departed.

4. Memorial Keepsakes

Memorial keepsakes such as bookmarks or prayer cards can be a wonderful added touch to any funeral service. People will be able to take these home as a reminder of the service and their passed loved one.

5. Balloon Release

Balloon releases symbolise the ‘letting go’ of someone you care about and can be a unique and beautiful way to say goodbye. Cards can be passed around for those who would like to attach a note to the balloon before releasing it into the sky. This can be done after a funeral service or at a wake following a cremation.

6. Hobby and/or Collectible Table

If you are sending off someone who had valued their hobbies, an inspiring way to pay respect to that is to have a hobby and/or collectible table available at the memorial. People will love having a look at their collectibles, craft or handiwork and will enjoy seeing a tangible piece of someone they have lost.

Contact Perth Cremations

The Perth Cremations family bring a personal and sympathetic understanding to planning funerals. We aim to provide a comfortable, respectful and affordable funeral service that always secures the wishes of departed loved ones as well as their family and friends. If you need help providing an inspiring funeral, contact us today for assistance. Call us on +61 1800 331 990.

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