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Communicate During Family Loss - Funeral service

8 Ways to be a Better Communicator with Your Family During a Passing

November 2, 2018

Organising a funeral can bring families together, working in unison during an incredibly stressful and emotional time. It can also be frustrating and difficult if there is a gap in communication, which can cause problems not only in arranging a funeral, but also within the family as they deal with their grief.

To ensure you are providing your family with the communication they need, here’s 10 tips to keep the communication regular and appropriate during a passing:

1. Communicate Your Needs Clearly

If you haven’t been good at communicating emotional needs in the past, you still might find it difficult during the time of a passing. Communicating your personal needs with family members will encourage them to do the same, which allows everyone’s needs to be met and reduces the feeling of stress when organising a funeral.

2. Understand the Needs of Others

While communicating your needs is vital, it’s just as important to understand the needs of your family members. Some may need time alone while others may require extra attention. Give them what they need during this difficult time.

3. Delegate

There are many tasks that need to be done after the passing of a loved one, including arranging the funeral, organising finances, and reorganising the home. All of this can take a toll on one person. Sit down with a pen and paper and delegate tasks with one another.

4. Give Each Other Time and Space

When there is a quiet moment while organising the funeral, give each other the time and space to not communicate. Quiet reflections are important to many who are grieving so they can reflect on and come to terms with their grief in their own way.

5. Express Appreciation

The passing of a loved one can bring about strong feelings of those you have around you. Now is a good time to express the appreciation you have of your family members and the ways you can all pull together in moments of need.

6. Have One or Two People Dealing with Funeral Director

While it’s important to consider the wishes of the departed and family members, it’s also important to delegate one or two people to work with the funeral director. This allows for a more seamless organisation and gives you the time you need with your loved ones.

7. Keep in Touch if You are Unable to be Physically Be There

If you aren’t able to be with your family after someone’s passing, don’t distance yourself from them. Arrange a time to video chat so that you can still feel a part of the process and the communication.

8. Give Each Other Listening Time

Sometimes the best communication is no verbal communication at all. Remember you can communicate by listening, hugging and simply being with someone as you help each other through the grieving process.

Contact Perth Cremations

The Perth Cremations family bring a personal and sympathetic understanding to planning funerals and remembrances. We aim to provide a comfortable, respectful and affordable funeral service that always secures the wishes of departed loved ones as well as their family and friends. If you need help providing a funeral for a family member, contact us today for a free quote. Call us on +61 1800 331 990.

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