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Not to say and do in Family Cremations perth

5 Things Not to Say and Do to a Grieving Family

October 5, 2018

When someone passes, many feel the need to reach out to their family and friends. In most cases, this is beneficial to those grieving because there is much to be done amidst emotional disarray. However, there are certain words and actions that can hinder, rather than help a grieving family.

Before you reach out to those you care about in their time of need, take a look at what you shouldn’t say or do when a family is grieving:

1. Don’t Say, “They’re in a Better Place”

Don’t assume the beliefs of those grieving by stating that their loved one has gone to a better place. While in the midst of their grief, many people believe that the best place their late loved one should be being beside them, so they may be offended by this suggestion.

2. Don’t Say, “It’s time to move on”

There’s no appropriate time to tell someone to move on after the death of a loved one. Even if they begin to resume a new normal life and routine, they will still hold them dear to their heart and will probably never fully ‘move on’.

3. Don’t Say, “Let me Know if You Need Me”

Telling someone you’re there if they need you gives them responsibility they don’t need in such an emotional time. Instead of asking them to let you know, take the initiative and tell them what you are going to do for them instead. For example, say “I’ll come and do the laundry on Tuesday and Thursday”, as they may be under direct pressure to organise their finances for a funeral.

4. Don’t Talk Too Much

Sometimes when people are unsure what to say, they end up rambling, when nothing needs to be said at all. Try not to feel the need to respond to everything someone is saying amidst their grief. In many cases, all they need is someone to listen.

5. Don’t Disrespect Their Need for Space

Losing a loved one can be overwhelming, as phone calls, messages and visitors come flooding through the door before or after the funeral. Those who are grieving may appreciate their home filled with love and condolences, but it can also be very tiring. If a family is looking like they need time to rest, talk and grieve in the privacy of their own home. Make sure you realise this and give them the time and space to do so.

Contact Perth Cremations

The Perth Cremations family bring a personal and sympathetic understanding to planning funerals. We aim to provide a comfortable, respectful and affordable funeral service that always secures the wishes of departed loved ones as well as their family and friends. If you need to support a family through their grieving time, we are always happy to assist you. Contact us today for a free quote and call +61 1800 331 990.

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