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Funeral Burial Location

5 Tips on Choosing Funeral Burial Location

May 12, 2021

Burial Location is often the first thing that people take into consideration after the death of a loved one. Lots of things influence this decision. It’s important to keep vigilant even during these trying times in order to find your loved ones the plot of land they deserve. If you’re seriously looking into traditional burials, a good burial site should be your first priority. Some people choose the burial site that’s closest to their home while others go for one hours away from their home because it holds some sort of special meaning to them. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself before you commit to a burial location.


1. Where are the rest of your family buried?

Wanting your loved one to be buried close to where the rest of your family is buried is natural. This understandably gives you some peace of mind during these trying times. It’s comforting to know that your final place of rest is among the people you love. Another advantage is that your living relatives will be more likely to visit the grave of your loved one even when they might be of distant relation to the deceased. Having a burial location close to that of your other family means that your relatives can pay tribute to several of the departed family members at the same time.


2. What about cost?

Cemeteries all around the world are filling up at an alarming rate despite recent expansions. To avoid the strong disappointment that comes with finding out that your preferred graveyard is up to capacity, consider looking into burial plots that you can afford. This will help in procuring the desired plot in advance. There’s no worry about back up options.


3. Do graveyard policies matter?

Make sure you find out in advance about what’s allowed and not on grave sites. Some cemeteries tend to place a limit on the overall size of gravestones. Other cemeteries have strict policies on what’s allowed to be left behind on grave markers during visits. Furthermore, visiting hours are also likely to be limited in some places. Don’t let stringent policies curb the time and duration of your visits.


4. How is the grave maintained?

Before you buy a plot, be sure to visit your desired site first. Does the graveyard have too many rules that dull your future visits? How are the grounds maintained year-round? Some graveyards also have maintenance fees that you’ll have to pay per year while some offer the same services free of charge.


5. How is the local environment?

Your loved one should be laid to rest in a place that pays tribute to their life. Consider your surroundings. Is the location situated in a pretty enough place? Will your loved one be comfortable in their new resting place? Consider multiple options and visit each to make sure that you’re choosing the best plot.


Information regarding a burial location is often the first question asked by the funeral director. Having a location ready will protect you from having to make difficult decisions at an already stressful time. If you need more information on customized and affordable funeral packages, call Perth Cremations today.

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