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3 Reasons You Should Prepay Funeral Expenses

June 14, 2021

Life is great and beautiful. More so if it comes with peace of mind. Planning your funeral ahead of time can make this possible. But prepaid funeral plans, with lots of options, can make you indecisive. So, the first thing first. What are prepaid funerals? What are their advantages?

A funeral paid in advance is a prepaid funeral. It is a way to put arrangements in place in the unfortunate event of your demise or of a close family member related to you. Prepaid funeral plans were created to let your family not get burdened with cremation expenses increasing annually. You pay the current costs for a remote future event.

Here are the three reasons to prepay funeral expenses.

Less Expensive

There are several cremation plans and burial packages. Depending on your choice of a cremation option, an option costs a minimum of $2500 and can go way up to $6830. There are several options in between.


The burial packages also come with three options. The first option at $3995 is the least expensive, followed by the second option at $6695, and by the third at $6995.

These costs are set to rise with time and may go several times over when you might need these services decades later. Won’t it be wonderful to cap the cost as now at prepaid funeral plans, without having to pay 10 or 20 times this cost at some unknown later date?

Having it Done Your Way

A prepaid plan lets you choose the best way you want a farewell to go for you or someone else. There are several options and packages as indicated above. You have the option to choose the specifics of the service well ahead of time. It means you have the power to choose not only the budget but location, the ceremony, and more.

It is immensely satisfying to live with the knowledge that your funeral will go exactly the way you want it. It can be as comforting to you as to your family.

Mental Peace

Peace of mind is the highest desirable quality in life. It adds to the quality of life and enhances longevity. We are of the opinion that no individual should be stressed and burdened at the time of farewell. The loss of a loved person can be extremely stressful, while an individual’s demise can be emotionally stressful to the family. This is not the time to get stressed under the financial burden for the family of a deceased individual.

A prepaid funeral service gives you and your family peace of mind

In comparison to a life insurance policy, a prepaid funeral is a more advantageous option. Under the life insurance policy, a beneficiary gets the lump sum amount. The family of the deceased can choose to organize funeral services with the amount they have. This might turn out to be an added burden on them for having to make stressful decisions during a difficult time. A funeral plan that’s already paid for leaves the family without worries about having to set aside this budget separately and planning out the funeral.

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